
Compost is an excellent source of organic matter for garden soils. Composting also closes the recycling loop by turning waste materials into a soil amendment. You can make compost at home or buy commercially prepared compost.

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Soil Testing

To determine the health of your soil, you can test it for its nutrient content and for contamination. All county Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service offices provide soil testing services for a reasonable fee or it may be free.

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Raised Beds and Container Gardens

Raised beds and container gardens are above the ground in a defined space full of rich, healthy soil in which plants can thrive. While container gardens are enclosed in receptacles — which can be anything from a child’s outgrown wagon to an old bathtub — raised beds may or may not have sides.

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Vertical Gardens

A vertical garden is a garden that grows up rather than out. Usually, people install vertical gardens to save space, but they also can offer fascinating aesthetics. They work well in small areas and urban environments with little outside space for a garden.

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Harvest time is when you will reap the satisfaction of all your hard work and deep attention to the garden. If plants are harvested properly, they will continue to produce delicious fruits and vegetables over a longer period of time.

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Windowsill Gardens

A windowsill garden is a delightful addition to a classroom, a kitchen, or a balcony. Not only do indoor gardens offer a rich context for learning, they are resourceful options for schools with limited space, extreme seasonal weather conditions, and minimal funding.

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